As I reflect on 2019 I feel so much joy and accomplishment. I started this blog and exceeded my goals quicker than I expected, made new friends, traveled, ate a LOT of good food and felt more secure in who I am! I’ve prayed for a long time that God would help me find my passion and I finally feel like I hit the jackpot with my blog. I love being able to share my life and all the things I enjoy with others. Now if only I could figure out how to spend as much time on my blog as I spend working full time! With all the positivity in this past year there have been moments of insecurity and tough times. I watched my mom go through double knee surgery and helped her recover. I quit my job thinking we were moving for my husband’s job, only to find out we were not and I had to find another job. I watched my father in-law’s ( I consider him my dad) health decline due to dementia. And let’s face it, sometimes life is just tough! Maintaining good relationships, being a great daughter, partner and all the things can be overwhelming! But, looking at this past year, I have a better grasp of what I can do in 2020 to be a better me!
Below is a list of goals for myself in no specific order:
– Get in the gym at least 3 times a week!
Sounds easy but I can come up with a million excuses to not go to the gym! While we were on vacation I went to the gym and just felt so much better afterward! My anxiety was significantly lowered and I felt happier with my self. AND I even saw results from just being in the gym for 30 minutes! My plan is to go to the gym straight from work. Thankfully we have a full gym where we live. This may mean working out in my scrubs because I know if I come home, I won’t leave!
-Invest in quality over quantity.
Over the past few months, I’ve found myself buying things just to take a photo in! While I 100% love everything I share, I found that I wasn’t even able to wear the pieces more than once before the season changed. It made me feel so shallow and frivolous. I have always had certain items in mind that I’ve dreamed of owning and when I look back at how much I’ve spent, I could have totally had those dream items if I would have budgeted better. To help me stick to this goal I made a wishlist of items I would love to have so that way when I do go shopping I can ask myself: Should I spend $50 on this sweater or put it towards those earrings I’ve always wanted? Below is a list of dream items that I’m saving up for:
-Spend more time with my Bible.
I find this to be a goal of mine every single year yet I continue to fail at this miserably! To be honest, I loathe studying and I feel like I studied so much in college that I never want to feel like I’m doing that again. BUT I need to learn to find joy in God’s word and find ways to make it enjoyable. I have made so many church friends here and definitely have the encouragement to fulfill this goal! My goal is to find a great devotional that I can read daily that isn’t too overwhelming!
-Practice giving myself more grace.
I am SO SO SO hard on myself! I often make to-do lists that aren’t do-able, I put too many expectations on myself, I want my home to be perfect and spotless and the list goes on and on! I’m sure some of you can relate. I’m hoping to manage this by setting realistic daily goals for myself. Like getting one load of laundry done every day, making sure I add something fun for myself to do on my to-do list and taking time to define what I want for myself and what it takes to execute that vision!
I hope that by sharing my goals it will inspire you to sit down and define what you want 2020 to be like for yourself. I think the most important thing to consider when creating goals is to make a plan to accomplish your objectives! Set a realistic vision for yourself and listen to your body! Take breaks when you need to and hustle when it’s important. Cheers to 2020 friends!